Are Pre-Inspections Worth the Cost?


Are you thinking of selling in this market? Are Pre-Inspections Worth the Cost? Well, I would bet you have heard that the best way to get a deal closed is to fork out cash on pre-listing inspections and appraisals. While these tools can be useful in quiet market, giving it a little added bonus for the buyers who won’t have to spend the $300+ on a professional inspection, they can be a costly waste of time in a market like this.

So far in 2016 homes are selling faster than us Realtors can get them listed. This creates a market with very little inventory leaving buyers with fewer and fewer options. Good news for you is that this makes your home seem that much more appealing. More listings are receiving multiple offers from buyers and selling (and I mean really closing) for thousands over the listing price. Heck, in a market like this we see a greater number of offers that are cash and not financed. So why spend hundreds on pre-appraisals when the chances of you not having to deal with buyer financing at all is that much higher?

There is enough staging, photography, and possibly home improvement projects to get done before putting your home on the market, delaying another few weeks to get an inspector out there could mean your home hits the market at a less desirable time – and time is money, is it not?